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Sunday, October 30, 2011

The best view of all.

Have you noticed that I like my hometown... a lot?

It's gorgeous in the fall.

There's just something about a cut cornfield that gets me...

The cool, crisp air.

The captured colors when I trip while trying to take a picture.

And the vast amount of leaves that will fall very soon.

Hey, there are red trees, too!!

But who can forget the best view of all?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sic 'em on a chicken

Are there any Zac Brown Band fans in the house?

Because I think they're the only ones who might understand the title of tonight's post.  But if you hang in there, you will, too.

Moving on....

I will attempt to summarize the last 3 days in fifty pictures or less.  Give or take a dozen or two.


This is my sister.  Not biologically.  Not legally.  Not by marriage.  But we get each other.  That's all there is to it.
Her mother-in-law had a birthday shindig up at the barn Friday evening and I was able to partake in the celebration.  When I say celebration, I mean karaoke.

Lots of karaoke = Lots of fun.

But I had a sore throat by 11:30.


Bonfire time!  A friend of mine had a few people over, an array of food, fireworks and some homemade wine.  Oh, and her fiance built a massive bonfire but some silly blonde (me) failed to snap a picture of it before the it was lit.  But the thing was easily 10 feet tall before it went up in flames.

Sadly, the late night Friday made this girl incredibly sleepy, so I was out just after the fireworks.


I'm driving to church, and what do I see?
A chicken.  On the main highway.  In town.

Now don't get me wrong, I grew up collecting eggs from my grandfather's hen house and see chickens plenty out on the county roads, but seeing them loose in town is definitely a rare experience.  And to be honest, I chuckled about this during our church service.

Speaking of which, church was extra-fun today.  Why?

'Cause we had church outside downtown.  Look at all those back row Baptists hiding in the shade!! 

But wait, there's more...

If you feed them, they will come.  Another Baptist philosophy.


In a small town, you know everybody.  And when one of those people you know passes away, going to the funeral home is like going to Wal-Mart.  No, I'm not talking about spending more money than anticipated, I'm thinking more along the lines of never knowing exactly who you're going to see.  

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B: 

Yep, there's that chicken again.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Small Town Friday Night

If you've been reading this for a while, you know how I feel about high school football.

Well last week was my teams turn to take the field in pink since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  (Come to find out, it's Pastor Appreciation Month, too, but that's a completely different story.)

But for me, the most interesting part of a high school football game in Mayberry isn't what goes on when the ball snaps.  It's these guys up in the press box.  

Like most home games, I watched the game with some of the best play-by-play guys in the business.  Please forgive the photo from last season, it's my favorite.

These guys are pretty awesome.  But so is football.

And this is what halftime means to me - grabbing the guys food.  Lots of food.

Don't freak out, those "ribs" are ribeye sandwiches, not a slab of baby backs. But they're still delicious as ever!  

The only problem when it comes to food-fetching is that I never have enough hands to carry all of them.  And for future reference, when you spill a man's nachos, he gets kinda irritable, so carry carefully.  

And we find fun photo ops when we get a little sleepy during a time out.  That blue blur is Coach P (another play-by-player) trying to avoid the picture. Thankfully, Dave was more than happy to accommodate my shutter finger.

And after the game, everyone shakes hands in good sportsman-like fashion.  But next is my absolute favorite part....

The team walks to the home bleachers and sings the school song.  It gives me goosebumps every time...

Now please excuse me while I try to get the fight song out of my head.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Just so we're clear

1.  Today was Monday.  Generally this is where I would say "yuck!"

2.  Yesterday was Sunday.  And it was glorious.

3.  Well, mostly glorious.

4.  My 22 month old nephew said my name for the first time (yay!) and before he said the names of any of his other aunts (double yay!).

5.  For the record, my niece and nephew, and even my niece who will arrive in February, can get anything they want outta me.  It's quite tragic.

6.  While playing tag outside in my front yard with said 22 month old nephew and his 4 year old sister, clumsy me found a way to fall.  Flat. On. My. Back.

7.  It knocked the wind out and here I am 30 hours later with a head/neck/backache that won't quit.

8.  Quick, someone prescribe me something stronger than Advil so I can function tomorrow.

9.  But it was worth it, because little man said my name.

10.  Dang, if I'm like this with my brother's kids, how bad will I be if I should ever have my own?

11.  However, on another completely unrelated note....

I want these.  Five and a half inches of stiletto peep toe platform heaven.

12.  On second thought, if I'm clumsy enough to fall down in my front yard in tennis shoes, I can only imagine me aerating the yard in these.

13.  Guess I'm sticking to running around barefoot.

14.  Thank goodness I'm cool with that.

15.  Oh, and I used to hate the entire month of October.

16.  Glad I'm over that nonsense!

17.  I'll catch yall later, I have corn mazes to wander, pumpkins to carve, haunted woods to spook myself and pumpkin muffins to bake!  It's a good thing I don't have those shoes after all.