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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Say whaaa?

I'm drawing a blank.

I have no idea what to talk about today, and I actually have more than enough time to share a few words with you guys. 

Well, Mayberry is doing well, kinda.  It's asthmatic bronchitis season for yours truly, meaning shots, antibiotics, breathing treatments, steroids and cough syrup.  Yippee! Lucky me!  Although today it did take a funny turn when I accidentally took too much cough medicine and had to call for a ride home.  Did I mention that I live 3 blocks away from my work?  Yea, that was embarrassing. 

So needless to say, I've been knocked out cold the majority of the afternoon and in fact didn't know what day it was when my slumber was startled awake by my sister telling me I needed to eat something so I could take my medicine.  It's nice to have people looking out for me, but I was in the middle of the hardest sleep in recent history.  Boy, it felt wonderful, and was much needed after last night's attack of insomnia which resulted in 3 and a half hours of sleep before I was suddenly staring at the ceiling until daybreak.

With all that said, I think I should catch some more zzz's. 

I'm going to now take a lesson from my niece and hit the hay... not literally, of course, because then I'd really be in a pickle of allergic despair. 

* Note to self: No more cough syrup.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Recently, I was asked about the code names.

Is there a new one?  Any cool stories to update y'all about?  What in the world prompts my name giving?  Do they know I call them these things?

1. No, but there have been a couple since we last spoke on the subject.
2. If I get around to it, I'll let my truck tell the story.  (Don't worry, it's PG-rated)
3. It really depends on how they rub me, how I meet them, or what kind of mood I'm in.
4. One does.  He's cool with it.

So here goes....

My other mother is one of those people who I can tell everything.  She's been in my life as long as I can remember.  She's been my Sunday School teacher, my mom's best friend, my confidant and my role model.  She just gets me.  Well, she is completely responsible for the naming some of them.  And over the past year, she has named about three four.

A couple of the old ones still hang around and pop in from time to time: LT, Mazda, and BD actually wished me a Happy Thanksgiving, and Jose got married a few months ago.  But wait, there are more to add to the list of code names: 2629, Slick and Z.  In no certain order, they were a roughneck country man with a heck of a personality, a closed minded small town guy with no personality, and a hot shot boy with a knack for being perfect eye candy. 

Don't worry, they're all out of the running. 

However, if a funny story pops up, I'll consider filling you in.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pre-Thanksgiving Thoughts

So tomorrow is Turkey Day.  The day we can eat and eat and eat and eat without (too) much retribution, unless you count the copious amount of dishes stacked to the ceiling in the kitchen sink.

And while I'm sure every family has their own holiday traditions, mine is more of the 'we see/talk to each other regularly enough... so lets just eat' kind of people.  Don't get me wrong, they don't all live in Mayberry anymore, but we remain close.  And with my grandmother's grandkids getting married and having their own families, we realize that there are years when so-and-so can't make it because she's with her husband's family and vice versa.  It's actually a routine that makes pretty good sense: one year they'll spend Thanksgiving with us and Christmas with the significant other's family and the next year it's just the opposite.

Ok, I'll stop rambling about family visiting practices now. 

Back to what I was originally posting about... just a few of my thoughts (but when have my thoughts ever been few?)

1.  Shouldn't holidays be a time to rest and be with loved ones?  All this stress of having the turkey brining at the right temperature and having enough apples to make dumplings for 17 and a half people has really affected my sleep these past few nights.

2.  How long and at what temperature is a turkey supposed to brine?

3.  When did I start using words like "brine'?

4.  Is my camera charged up to take 137 pictures of my niece and nephew in their adorable Thanksgiving attire?

5.  Will my cousin from Arkansas steal my camera to keep me from posting pictures of him on facebook?

6.  Speaking of pictures, will my brother-in-law be wearing that hideous Tennessee orange attire he likes so much?  That orange does not photograph well.

7.  I share the same view as Leigh Anne Tuohy when it comes to the University of Tennessee.  And I'm not apologizing. 

8.  I will apologize if my apple dumplings aren't as awesome as they should be, though.

9.  There is no excuse for untasty baked goods to come out of my kitchen.  Ever.

10.  Is that being overly critical?  That's ok since I'm talking about myself, right?

11.  Good.

12.  My grandma makes the BEST homemade rolls ever.  They're sourdough and I'd jump hot coals and snowmen for them.

13.  But it won't snow this Thanksgiving.  The high tomorrow is supposed to be 63 degrees.

14.  Hopefully I won't get funny looks if I show up to my grandmother's with apple dumplings, sweet potato casserole, and flip flopped feet.

15.  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The last month in pictures

 1. This is the view from my office for the past couple of months. 

2.  And this is the view from my four wheeler.

3.  Don't forget the view from under my truck.

4.  Or the view from my favorite streets of one of my favorite cities.

5.  Or the view from church on Sunday. (Note: this is NOT in Mayberry)

6.  But right now, I'm loving the view of the radio.