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Friday, April 27, 2012

You can tell a lot about a woman...

By her purse.  (And the contents of it)

Trust me.

For instance, take my younger sister.  In many ways, she's my polar opposite: quite, brunette, even-tempered, you get the idea.  Well, her purses are always whatever is in style.  Right now she's toting grey patent leather snakeskin with ruffles.  I have no idea if that's really what it is (but it is grey and ruffled), but it sounded good, right?  She's the kind of girl with tissues and gum wrappers, pencils and lotion littering the bottom of her handbag.

But like I said, we're polar opposites.

Cleaning out my own purse today was more like a magic show.  You know, the kind where the magician keeps pulling stuff out of the hat and you have no idea where it comes from.  Or this could be because my purse could double as a small suitcase.

There were no tissues.

No gum wrappers.

No pencils.

And definitely no lotion.

However, there were:

A pair of needle-nose pliers, crumpled gas receipts, a half-empty tube of lip gloss, a couple of .30-.30 shells, a backup Valentines Day card that was never delivered and now has a song written on the envelope, 31 pennies, dress tape, and a travel size Germ-X.

You may now form an opinion on my lack of tissues.