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Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Record

As you may know if you've read my posts the last few weeks, Mayberry has been covered by a blanket of white for much of the last two months.

I'm not complaining.  I love the snow.

Snow means fun things like throwing snowballs at coworkers, getting to use my truck's four wheel drive, throwing snowballs at my niece, having fun on ATVs in an open field, throwing snowballs at my Momma, wearing Carhartts and insulated camo boots to work and throwing snowballs at people who threw them at me first.

My kid sister said to tell you that she enjoys the snow days.  She's really going to enjoy them when she's going to school until July as our school system makes up these days they've missed.  Ok, they're not going until July. Yet.

But, what I'm trying to say is that I like the snow.  It's good in my book.

However, I've about reached my limit on this favorite winter precipitation.  That's why the view from my rear-view mirror yesterday afternoon made me jump for joy and do cartwheels in the front yard of my place of employment. 

Yes.  It was 73-degrees on February 16th in Mayberry.  It might have set a record, but I'm not sure.

Ahhhh..... bliss!

The sad thing is that with warm weather comes short sleeves, sunglasses and open-toed shoes.  This must be my cue to get a tan, buy some shades and treat myself to a pedicure.

Snow is fun, but so is sunshine.

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