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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Apologizing, Rachel style.

Warning, bad word ahead.

Apologizing SUCKS.  If it were an activity on facebook, I wouldn't "like" it. 

Whew, glad I could get that off my chest.  What a bad post to start the new year off with, but I hoped maybe some of you have been in my predicament. 

You see, a friend of mine and I had a bit of a spat - at least I think that's what happened.  Maybe it was more of a misunderstanding or maybe my built up frustration was lashed out on the wrong person.  Yea, it was probably a combination of both previously mentioned scenarios.  

Basically, I have this horrible character flaw: admitting I'm wrong hardly ever happens.  My mother has often told me I get it from my father.

Thus, the problem: admitting to my friend that I overreacted to his poor attempt at humor and should never have said those horrible things or slammed his truck door so violently.   

Mental note: apologize to the Chevy. 

But back to my attempted apology.  I tried, really I did.  The speech was in my head and ready to be shared with the other party.  "Hey, remember the other day when I flipped out on you for being all those words I can't repeat on the internet?  Well, you were out of line but there is also a chance that I might have taken my disgruntlement a wee bit too far." 

Can you tell I've never been great at apologies?  It never reached the ears of the one meant for it, which is probably a blessing since I see how horrible it really is.  But why did it never reach the person intended?  Because I refuse to apologize via voicemail and a text message apology has no tone.  Perhaps he's mad at me too, which I kind of expected.  After all, he already apologized to me... twice, yet I couldn't do the same.  Hence, he doesn't answer the phone.

Maybe I'm old school, but that's just how I roll. So in the time I have before seeing him again, I have time to formulate the perfect apology.

There's no difference in formulating and Google-ing, right?  Good.

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