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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just a thought

So it's been an exciting week of late nights and a few unnoteable events.

I'll explain later.

But for now, I had a thought (scary, ain't it?)

To celebrate that it's officially spring, how about a ride through the country?  It's the perfect idea!  And I can pick some Easter Lillies since they're coming into bloom.

But there's a problem:  the river.

You see, it's up, and but "up," I mean roads are closed and my favorite backroads are unreachable.  Sad day.  Oh well, I can still pick some flowers.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Overly Unproductive

No, I did not coin that phrase.

A co-worker did.  Her name is Gin.

It's short for Virginia, not the beverage.

As you can imagine, we were feeling overly unproductive today.  I blame the mist outside.

Not rain - mist.

Rain is awesome and downpours make me happy, but when it's just sprinkling a fine mist, it's kind of annoying. You straighten your hair because the chance of precipitation was so slim you think you can make it the day without being caught in a torrential downpour, then this mist is floating around as soon as you step out the door and your hair immediately turns to frizzy waves.

Not the sexy frizzy waves models have in the Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition, but more like Anne Hathaway's character in The Princess Diaries.  Ok, maybe not that bad.

And the moral of the story is: Frizzy hair makes unproductive days.  I'm going out to buy some CHI hair serum since tomorrow's forecast is much like today's.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Last picture

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

This wraps of the 30 days of pictures - that somehow turned into two months.

I've talked about this guy before, but I've never gone into too much detail.  And I'm not gonna start now.  Just know that I miss him terribly and this is the last picture we took together.

Three months to the day after we snapped this picture, the nurse said I had to tell this man goodbye. 

And to this day I smell his cologne from time to time when nobody is around.

There ya have it.

My life in 30 pictures, even though I'm pretty sure there's more than 30 pictures in the mix.

We will now go back to the regular blogging already in progress.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Wig

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

I don't know if I've shared this one before or not, but it gets me smiling every time I see it.

Christmas 2008.

Gag gift.

Still makes me laugh.

This man is amazing.

And he's my Pop-Pop.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Everybody needs a Rico

Oh, the workplace.

To some it's their entire life - climbing that corporate ladder and showing the boardroom who the boss is.  To others it's just what pays the bills - is it paycheck Friday yet?   It can be a home away from home - complete with family photos and house slippers, or the place of dread and gloom where the devil goes to play (yes, I know of people who feel this way). 

Thankfully, my workplace isn't the latter.

Instead, we're like a family.  Yes, that sounds cliche, but it's entirely true.  It's a small place and on any given day there are only five or six of us in the office and each of us have a niche.  There's the quiet, wise one who surprises us from time to time with an impromptu funny story about people we've never met. The seemingly shy one has a secret streak of slyness while the loud one with the distinctive voice kinda sets the whole mood of the office on any given day.  If his sports team just suffered a bad loss, tread lightly.  Then there's me.  I bake.  The end.

Maybe one day I'll disclose all information about who does what to keep the place running at peak performance.  Today, though, I'm just going to focus my efforts on one guy.

He doesn't work there full time.  Actually, I'm not sure if he works there at all.  Is he on the payroll?  I have to check.  Come to think of it, I don't think he is, but I swears he spends at least 15 hours a week there.

But back to the story...

Rico always seems to show up at the most random times with no warning.  He could make his presence known while the office is dead silent and everyone is focused on work (since that's the reason we're actually there, I suppose) and that just messes up the vibe.  Good luck getting anything accomplished for the next 5 minutes at least.  Or he could barge in the door when things get kinda crazy and everyone is frazzled and running around like crazy - then we see him, let out a sigh to ourselves, say a prayer for The Lord to give us the patience to endure his stay and attempt to get back to work.  Then there are times when he creeps in and we only realize it 25 minutes after he sits down in the chair in the corner reading the latest edition of Mayberry's weekly paper, sipping my Mt. Dew.  Did I mention he steals drinks from the fridge?  Just like a real employee.

Don't think that I dislike Rico's visits just because he steals my "Go Juice."  On the contrary, when he comes I can't help but smile.  While his personality isn't the most dazzling and his mannerisms lack in sophistication, he still makes himself at home and feels comfortable here, which I find refreshing for some weird reason.  I've walked in before to see him sitting at my desk, smiling and awaiting my arrival.  He'll sit on the couch in the lobby without speaking for a couple of hours and I'm pretty sure he's nodded off there a few times.  When I bake, I'm sure to include enough for his visit, so that must say something, right?  And I can't forget to mention his caring side.  He'll make sure all of us are doing well and see if anyone needs anything.  If someone is having a particularly rough day, he's there helping them through it the only way Rico knows how.  I'm currently searching for the right word to describe what that is, though.

While he's not on the clock or any certain schedule, we still worry about him when more than a day has gone by without his whereabouts being known.  And the truth is - if he were to ever stop coming by, I'd miss him but love the surplus of Mt. Dew on my shelf in the fridge.

So, here's to Rico.  My un-official coworker but a part of our work family just the same.  He better bring a case of Mt. Dew to our company picnic this summer.

Wait, we've never had one.  Scratch that idea.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of

I'm superwoman. 

No fears here.

Not of my shadow.

Not the boogie man.

Or the Loch Ness Monster.

Not even that mysterious stain on the carpet at work.


Is lightning striking now? Because it should, since I just told a lie and all.  To tell the truth, I really am petrified of that carpet stain in the lobby.

Alright, in all seriousness (which, as you know, I don't do well) I happen to be afraid of something quite silly....

The dark.

There ya have it, straight from the horse's mouth.  Please don't tell anybody - I'd hate for the entire world to know.

C'mon, what did you think I was gonna say?   




Definitely not. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ann Yayshull

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

Which family member should I choose?  I think you've met all of them, especially after I carry on about them all the time.

More importantly, what picture can I show you that you haven't already seen?

Wait, here's one I don't think I've shown, mainly because the photo quality isn't that great.  But this picture makes me laugh and feel loved at the same time, so here goes nothing.

Yes, that's me - the jungle gym. 

And as you can tell, my niece is trying to pull her little brother up on my back.

This is why I don't mind babysitting.

Dadgum cute kids who make my heart melt with their big brown eyes when they say "Ann Yayshull's here!"

Maybe someday they'll play just as nicely with my kids as they do with each other.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mi Familia

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

A lot of things mean a lot to me, so where do I begin?  Let me see.... How about an array of photos today?

Does that work for you?


Because my family cannot be summed up in only one photograph.

My brother, his wife, my sisters and me.  We're pretty tight.

 Mom and her best friend, who is like another mother.

My grandparents!  Very, very great people.  This was taken on their 65th anniversary.

And here's my uncle.  Also, a very good guy.  He must take after his dad.