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Friday, March 23, 2012

A few weeks in pictures


It's been over a month since you've heard from me... why haven't I been shot yet?

Well, to say life has been busy is an understatement, so I'll fill you in on a few of the happenings of the last few weeks.

In no particular order:

My best friend got engaged (yay!) and I'm honored with holding her bouquet as she says "I do" to the boy who gives her pitter patterage.  Couldn't be happier for her!

In honor of her engagement, we were able to get together, along with her mom, both grandmothers, his mom, and his sister as we tried on wedding dresses for her nuptials coming up in July.  Due to keeping her dress a secret from her Beloved, I'll spare the details - but this dress is PERFECT!!

While in the process of finding the perfect dresses for the mothers and grandmothers, my friend and fellow bridesmaid, Haven, found humor in me trying on hats.  Apparently I have a head for them.  Or face.  Or something, I forget exactly.

Then while I was in town I stopped by to see a couple (or 24) other friends at one of the best Mexican restaurants in town.  Thanks to one of my friends, I made the waiter blush each time he looked at me the remainder of the evening.  Note to self:  Never ask the waiter what certain words mean in his native language.

Then we had a pretty big storm wipe through the area.  Tornadoes ran wild across several states, killing dozens of people and leaving entire towns in ruins after their destruction passed.  I snapped this picture on the way to get my alternator rebuilt, but that's another story.  Everybody else was ducking for cover and in all of my wisdom, I decided to travel across state lines for the sake of getting my truck up and running for weekend excursions. 

Hey, I only claimed to be entertaining, not a genius.

And finally, one of the reasons I love friends - they can just tell when you're having a bad day.... then they do something about it. 

Everybody needs friends like that. 

1 comment:

  1. You most definitely have a head (and face) for hats!! I had so much fun that day!
