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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gossip Town

The last couple weeks have been crazy busy, but now I finally get a chance to sit down and take a breath.

Since the last time you heard from me my small community had a county fair, I celebrated a wonderful birthday, and was taken out on the first real date I've had in a while. In that order. Now this week it's back to the grind and the start of the gossip. I suppose that's all some people have to do around this place. I just think it's funny because no matter how hard I try to not make a big deal out of something, people start talking about it and some who I don't even know come up and ask the nosiest questions about who my male companion was the other night.

The night in question was four days ago and it seems everyone I see is asking me when the next date is and if I had fun and how happy they are to see me "getting back on the horse." Yes, those words were used. I want to scream in their faces "ONE DATE! Just a date. Calm down!" And to make matters worse, I was trying to keep it from a few especially nosy family members but based on the people who saw us out, I decided to tell my mother the bare minimum. Now who knows what she's heard. Jesus, please don't let her go to Wal-Mart or the beauty shop! I'll probably be engaged by the time she gets back. And the boy wondered why I didn't want to tell my mom about the date to begin with.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I know EXACTLY what you mean. It's one of the things we have to suffer through to live in Podunk Nowhere. One of my favorite quotes comes to mind... "I love living in a small town... even when I don't know what I'm doing someone else does!"
