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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Keeping occupied

Mayberry is a small town.  Ok, so it's not so small that there is only one barber shop and a handful of stop signs, but some days it feels like it.  We do have a Wal-Mart (rumored to be the smallest in the state), five or six stoplights (two of which I question the validity of on a daily basis) and a handful of law enforcement officials who make countless trips from the previously mentioned Wal-Mart to one of the questionable stop lights countless times a day in order to make sure I live in a safe town.  Thank you, law enforcement officials.  Oh, and thanks for making me laugh my hind end off, too - but that's another post entirely.

Anywho, one funny thing about living in a small town is that sometimes you run out of things to do.  We have no movie theatres or super nice restaurants.  There are no hot clubs or bowling alleys.  Nor is there a racetrack or casino.  So what does one do when the television has gotten old and the internet is down?

We make our own fun.

Exhibit A:

We let our niece and nephew make a mess in the family room floor when we have absolutely no intention of picking it up.

Exhibit B:

We go a few miles down a backroad to the river so we can be at our happy place.

Exhibit C:

We also tend to travel threee hours into another time zone to see our favorite singer perform..

Exhibit D:


Oh yea, we burn stuff (those are my feet).

Exhibit F:

Do they really let exhibits go this far?

We drive UTVs blind folded.  Heck yea!

Exhibit G:

We hand three year olds explosives.

And last but not least....

We let lawnmowers fall out of the bed of our trucks and break their axles...  I couldn't make this up.

Now tell me we don't know how to have a good time in the sticks!

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