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Monday, October 3, 2011

Just so we're clear

1.  Today was Monday.  Generally this is where I would say "yuck!"

2.  Yesterday was Sunday.  And it was glorious.

3.  Well, mostly glorious.

4.  My 22 month old nephew said my name for the first time (yay!) and before he said the names of any of his other aunts (double yay!).

5.  For the record, my niece and nephew, and even my niece who will arrive in February, can get anything they want outta me.  It's quite tragic.

6.  While playing tag outside in my front yard with said 22 month old nephew and his 4 year old sister, clumsy me found a way to fall.  Flat. On. My. Back.

7.  It knocked the wind out and here I am 30 hours later with a head/neck/backache that won't quit.

8.  Quick, someone prescribe me something stronger than Advil so I can function tomorrow.

9.  But it was worth it, because little man said my name.

10.  Dang, if I'm like this with my brother's kids, how bad will I be if I should ever have my own?

11.  However, on another completely unrelated note....

I want these.  Five and a half inches of stiletto peep toe platform heaven.

12.  On second thought, if I'm clumsy enough to fall down in my front yard in tennis shoes, I can only imagine me aerating the yard in these.

13.  Guess I'm sticking to running around barefoot.

14.  Thank goodness I'm cool with that.

15.  Oh, and I used to hate the entire month of October.

16.  Glad I'm over that nonsense!

17.  I'll catch yall later, I have corn mazes to wander, pumpkins to carve, haunted woods to spook myself and pumpkin muffins to bake!  It's a good thing I don't have those shoes after all.

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