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Thursday, December 1, 2011

December the First

Upon my discovery of today's date, hands went into an immediate shock, my chest palpitated, and my bottom lip was clinched under my petite teeth.  It left me with nothing else to do but figure out everything to be done not only by the time Christmas rolls around, but by the time the ball drops in 30 days and a few hours. 

Oh.  Dear.  Goodness.

23.  How did it get here so quickly?  I swear that it seemed like yesterday I was at the beach with my toes in the sand, recuperating from a 12 hour, all night drive to the Gulf so I could be present when my sister said "I Do" to her beau.  I believe perspiration was in the equation.  That's the opposite of the hoodie and wool socks I'm decked out in now.

11.  My tree isn't put up.  And it probably won't be until Christmas Eve.  Call me Scrooge, I don't care.  But on a bright note, I was able to successfully listen to a minute and a half of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" before I had to turn it off.  That's marked improvement. 

7.  Christmas to me is more about the baby in a manger the rest of the world seems to forget than some caribou with a birth defect of a fluorescent nose.

96.  What percentage of gifts should be bought by now?  Based on my friends' facebook statuses, they're all done. Oops.

47.  Because I'm at maybe 7 percent done.  Maybe.  And six of that seven percent is for the bundle of joy who won't be here until February.  No, I will not spoil this niece.  Ha! Who am I kidding?  There is no hope.

82.  I'm a procrastinator if you hadn't noticed.  If anyone has any suggestions on what to buy my mother, feel free to share them.  Pretty please. 

35.  I've been writing November 1 on everything today.  Phone messages.  Checkbook register.  Notes to coworkers.  My best friend's birthday card.  I blame the fine tip blue ink pen in my hand.

63.  Perhaps I'm still under the influence of my prescription medications currently combating this bronchitis.  Do we need a recap of yesterday?  Falling asleep... while walking.... then falling down.... in heels.  Embarrassing.  Today I was asked if I was driving by half of the Sheriff's Department.  When I replied "yes" they immediately asked if I was under the influence of prescription cough medicine.

59.  That would explain why I can't count tonight.  But wait, I haven't had that cough medicine in over 24 hours.  Why can't I count yet?

74.  Perhaps I'd better go lay down. 

114.  Is Christmas really 3 and a half weeks away??

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