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Thursday, October 14, 2010

I've said it before...

... but I'll say it again:  I LOVE THE RAIN!

The summer here in Mayberry was dry.  Very dry.  I considered going into the cactus business and buying a sombrero.

Ok, so in all seriousness we're 8 inches below the normal amount of rainfall for the year.  It's affecting the crops they're harvesting, the grass in my yard and the color the leaves will turn in the next few weeks.  We've been under a burn ban for a couple weeks now to keep the whole place from going up in smoke and the fire department has been busy.

That's why the entire area rejoiced on Tuesday when we saw this:

Look at those clouds!  Their movement, their color, the adrenaline rush they give me as they dance across the sky.  Sadly, clouds like these have passed through the area lately without anything registering on the rain gauge, as it all went to our north.

So, when I first heard the thunder rumble, I was puzzled.  What was this strange and unusual sound?  Then I stepped outside and a strange substance hit my face.  It was.... wet?  What in the world?

Could it be?? RAIN?!


I danced for a little bit.

What do we have here?

After a few minutes of moderate rainfall, the clouds started parting to the west and the golden sunset came into view.

Yes, we finally got rain.  Sweet precipitation fell from the sky, bringing with it a renewed hope and a many smiles.  Keep in mind, the ten minute shower we got  wasn't enough to catch up on a summer of less than adequate rainfall, but it was still much appreciated.

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