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Friday, October 22, 2010

Text Messages

"Good Morning" text messages make my day.  They really, really do.  There's just something about knowing that someone wants to let you know they're thinking about you the first thing in the morning.  It's like they woke up and you were one of the first things on their mind.

Now don't get me wrong, I'd rather speak face to face or on the phone before text, but you can't always do that.  Maybe the person might still be asleep, or in the shower or already at work when the sender wants to relay the message.

Let me tell ya, I've never met a chick that didn't like a guy who was sweet enough to tell her sweet little things with his thumbs through a text message.  As long as he is the object of her affection, it doesn't matter what he says first thing in the morning.  He can say anything from a  simple "Good morning honey" to something more eloquent like "I hope you rested well and have a day as wonderful as you are."  Or perhaps he can countdown the time until he sees her again.  "11 and a half hours!! :)"  Then again, maybe it's  a cute little inside joke that he knew would make her laugh.

Whatever he sends, she's sure to smile for at least 37 minutes.

Here are a few of my favorite that I've had the pleasure of being on the receiving:

Short, sweet, to the point.

A little bit sweeter.  Did he really just call me "baby doll?"  I'm starting to melt.

This guy was on the phone with me until after midnight the night before and sent this just six hours later as he was headed to work.  I think it's thoughtful. 

This other guy professed feelings!  And he acknowledged that he knew I was busy, but he still wanted to talk to me.  This goes above and beyond good morning texts.  I definitely smiled for more than 37 minutes over that one.

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