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Monday, October 18, 2010

Not just for boys

Have I ever told you that I like trucks?
I can't really recall if I had or not, but I felt the need today to share that tidbit of information.  One thing that I always laugh about when it comes to these trucks are about the guys who drive 'em.  When I see a truck, especially one I like, I think of what kind of guy sits in the drivers seat.

This came to my mind this morning as I was flipping through pictures on my computer from a family vacation earlier this year.  On our last day, actually as we were leaving, I saw this truck and immediately screamed at my sister to stop the car.

Oh, this truck.

It spoke to me. Loudly.

Well, it wasn't running so it really didn't speak to me but you get the idea, right?

Then I imagined the guy who drives it.  He's probably the life of the party with an on-again-off-again girlfriend who's about 5 feet tall and really shy.  He works two jobs, loves his momma and spends his free time in his garage.  Or not.  I really don't know.

After that photo striking my fancy this morning, I googled "pickup truck" and this is what I got:

This one most likely would belong to a contractor.  Sorry, but the utility racks give it away.

I would say that this truck belongs to a new driver since it's a little older, but it's so clean and doesn't really have any body damage.  Now I'm changing my answer to a late-20s guy.  No kids, 8-5 job , hunts and fishes on the weekends. 

What the...?  I don't understand why you would want a truck lowered.  It just doesn't make sense to me.   But I also live where there are hills and gravel roads.  Plus my sister's car scrapes the driveway every time she pulls out of it.  Trucks are supposed to be lifted, not lowered.  Anywho, this guy is a skinny rocker with earrings and tattoos running the length of his arm.

Male. 45 years old.  Restored the glory that was his dad's truck.  But that's just a theory.  

Good ole country boy.  Early twenties.  Avid hunter.  But that's just a guess.  This one reminds me of one of my friend's trucks.  He's cool so I figure this guy is, too.

Based on the custom wheels and leveling kit, I'd say it belongs to a 35 year old male, married with 2 kids.  C'mon, you knew he was married, he's got nerf bars.

Thirties.  Not married.  Trying to compensate for something.  Don't go there.

This one is a two wheel drive.  It actually reminds me of one my dad used to have.  I'd say this guy is a no-nonsense 60-somethings with a few grand kids.  He doesn't need a truck for the mud and muck, he just likes 'em.  

And I realize one of these trucks might belong to a female.  After all, I drive a truck.  But in the "ideal" world, boys drive trucks and girls drive cars.  That world is weird.  I look funny in a car.   

With that said, here's a truck I'd love to have:

Wonder what this says about me?

Who said trucks are just for boys, anyway?

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