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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Walking Contradiction

I posted this picture on Twitter yesterday afternoon.

Yes that is a bright turquoise argyle scarf with a camouflage jacket.  It's an oxymoron, I suppose.  At least that is what one of my best friends call me.

It all started when we met in 2006 in college.  She worked in the dorm I lived in and then became my RA the following two semesters - I could never have asked for a better friend than her.  And there is a chance she could kill me for posting this picture: circa 2007.

We remained close and when we both decided to move off campus, of course we waned to get an apartment together, but the ordeal that ensued with other roommates is another story for another day.

Anywho, she and I are "complimentary opposites" as she puts it.  She's the girly girl who has a closet full of cute clothes and adorable shoes (too bad we're not the same size) and I'm the tomboy in camouflage sweatpants running around barefoot with hot pink toenail polish.

See?  She can even rock a Halloween costume.  But I digress.  

I believe the "walking contradiction" name she gave me started one day when we went to make our own photo boards.  We'd seen a lot of them in stores and believe they were overpriced, so we went to the Wal-Mart in our college town where we each bought a canvas board, fabric and ribbon.  Then with a staple gun and a hot glue gun we were on a roll.

By the time we were done, her picture board was a vision in blue with a darker blue ribbon criss-crossing throughout with big buttons where the ribbon crossed each other.  It was very elegant and classy.  Then there was mine: a bright pink paisley pattern with intermittent green and yellow John Deere logos with green and yellow ribbon.

It was then the phrase was born and I have since been known as a walking contradiction.  I like pink and John Deere, I can wear four inch heels as I climb into my four wheel drive truck that is covered in mud.  I refuse to leave the house without wearing eyeliner and keep a pair of rubber boots in my backseat, because you never know when they'll come in handy.  And there could have been an instance when I might have gone hunting with rollers in my hair because I wouldn't have time to curl it later that day.  But that's another thing I can neither confirm nor deny.

But my friend, my absolutely wonderful friend is a classy kinda gal and, as a matter of fact, she will graduate Friday night with her master's degree.  Hang on, I need a minute....  Ok, I'm good.


  1. One... I HEART you! Two, yes, I will kill you for said picture. Three you are the bestest friend I have ever had!

  2. Imagine the biggest smile EVER!
