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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

In the fourth grade I learned how to spell democracy for a weekly spelling test. 

With that being said, the first Tuesday in November is here, and almost gone.  Personally, I've always taken great pride in heading to the polls to voice my opinion for who I think would best serve in public office.  Yes, serve.

As a young child, I remember going into the polling location with my dad when he'd vote and explain to me the importance of voting and why it was vital for the right people to be in those offices.  Holding a public office meant being a public servant.  You do what's best for the people who elected you.  At least, that's how it's supposed to go, but you and I both know it isn't that easy and some public officials don't act the way they should.

I recently found out that one of my best friends isn't registered to vote, and this made my stomach go crazy.  How?  Why?  He believes no matter what he does, whoever is in office is only try to benefit themselves and nothing anyone else says will matter.  Yes, I believe this is true in some instances, but let's go to the polls and try to get the right candidate in there, ok?

I could argue the importance of voting till I'm blue in the face, but right now I'm tired and have things to do for the local elections in Mayberry.  Please, please, please, if you aren't registered to vote, go to your clerks office and register to vote for the next election.  That is all.

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